
GDPR On Site Training

GDPR On Site Training

GDPR On-Site Training

Assuming that you have at least 4 members of your team who you wish to receive training in GDPR, we will come out to you and deliver the training on-site.

The core material covered is exactly the same as for our GDPR In-Person training, but on-site training does, of course, have the benefit of minimal disruption for your team, plus that should they have any specific scenarios they wish to cover, or documentation they would like our opinion on, that is much easier to organise as they should have the required documents close to hand.

We will bring our laptop, projector, and workbooks with us, so all we ask you to provide is a suitable room, which should have a power supply and a plain wall on to which we can project the course slides.

As on-site training is more closely tied to your specific working practices, we do ask that a member of the management team is made available immediately before the meeting to brief us on any specific requirements and also for a 15-30 minute debrief at the end of the training session to identify next actions. The member of the management team is of course welcome (and indeed encouraged) to sit in on the training session themselves. Our on-site training sessions also earn CPD credits where appropriate.

For more details, or to check our availability, please email us at training@ensurety.co.uk

About Ensurety

If you have a GDPR query or issue, we are here to help. Let's have a chat, we promise to keep it simple.

Phone: 07858 138218

Email: info@ensurety.co.uk