
GDPR EEA Representative

GDPR EEA Representative

GDPR EEA Representative

If your organisation is based outside of the EU and UK, does not have a physical presence (i.e. an office, factory or another facility) within the EEA/UK but does business with individuals, sole traders or partnerships within the EU or UK), then GDPR requires you to appoint a GDPR EEA Representative to act on your behalf and liaise with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

Ensurety already provides this service for a number of companies based in the USA, South Africa, and New Zealand and we would be very pleased to act in this capacity for your company too and all for a very low annual fee.

If you need a GDPR EEA Representative and would like to discuss this with us further, please get in touch, either by email to gdpr.eea@ensurety.co.uk.

About Ensurety

If you have a GDPR query or issue, we are here to help. Let's have a chat, we promise to keep it simple.

Phone: 07858 138218

Email: info@ensurety.co.uk